
Fun fitness for everyone!

Nia lessons in Hampshire


Nia Classes are now online, see the FB page for details.


About Nia

Debi teaches Nia: a fun, energetic mix of rhythmic dance, mindfulness exercises and play! These classes are welcome to all and can be enjoyed by people of any fitness level.


"I can’t recommend this highly enough. I’ve benefitted from the mindfulness these classes provide, as well as toning up long-forgotten muscles!"..."We just have fun, laugh at ourselves when we get the routine wrong and support each other"

"A totally fresh approach to exercise, which is suitable for all levels. It’s so much fun, you forget you’re in an exercise class at all! I do a variety of different types of exercise and this is definitely one of my favourites- love it!!!"

Low Carb & Keto Consultations & Workshops

One to Ones: During a 90 minute consultation I gain a detailed picture of your lifestyle, eating habits, medical history and any concerns you may have about your health. I explain the principles of the the Low Carb/Hi Fat Ketogenic way of eating and you will leave with the appropriate plan to assist you in making changes. Support & Follow Ups A 30 minute appointment to re evaluate your current situation and support you moving forward.
Workshops: Join Wendy Budd and I to learn more about the Ketogenic way of eating.

Classes & Appointments


About Debi

Debi is a fully certified Nia teacher with a passion for movement. Debi uses Nia to help people through difficult times, rehabilitate people after injury or just help them get more in touch with their bodies! Watch the video to find out more.